Monday, November 4, 2013

Fundraising Raffle for our Chapter

Three members of our New England District Chapter 112 of CPSA have donated gicleé prints for a raffle to fundraise for our chapter. Our recent exhibit at a gallery, which was enjoyed by many, unfortunately depleted our funds due to the usual gallery costs; invitations, postage, opening reception. We are hoping to find our chapter out of the red soon. Please help us by purchasing raffle tickets, the information is on the poster or you can leave a message here. Thanks!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Next Chapter Meeting Saturday, February 16

Chapter 112 February Meeting

Golden Paints & Mediums

Saturday, February 16th

1-4 p.m.

The rep from Golden will be giving us a hands-on demo of Golden products
All materials and pre-primed boards will be provided for our use. 
We can experiment with the different materials

15 person limit • $50 each
the Chapter will pay $25 for the first 10 members to register
open to non-members if space available
Meet at Rising Moon Fine Art Studio, 3 South St, Westborough, MA

send a check made out to "DC112" to:Laurie Bebick, Rising Moon Fine Art Studio, 3 South Street, 2nd Floor, Westborough, MA 01581
If you have a particular Golden product you would like to try, 
please send a request to Kendra Ferreira

Friday, October 5, 2012

             Next Meeting: October 14th, 2012:
  • Start time:  10 AM
  • Location:  Rising Moon Fine Art Studio,  3 South Street, 2nd Floor, Westborough, MA.  The door to go upstairs is between the Glass Heron Gift Shop and Westborough Liquors.  Look for sign.
  • Park on either side of the bulding in the 1 hour spots. Do not park directly in front of bulding in the 1/2 hour parking spots.
  • Contact Laurie at 774-262-7824 if you are lost.
  • RSVP to
  • This will be a planning meeting for next year, art social/critique if people bring work, and viewing of the CPSA  dvd of the 2012 National shows.
  • Snacks and or food are greatly appreciated.
  • Newcomers always welcome, especially those bearing food (just kidding).

Monday, March 19, 2012

Calling All Colored Pencilists!

Sharon Arts Center and District Chapter 112 Exhibit

The exhibit is open to both members and non-members of the Sharon Arts Center and DC112 (over 18 yrs old)
The location is Sharon Arts Center in Peterborough, NH and dates of the exhibit are July 6 through August 7, 2012.
Digital submissions are due May 15, 2012, each artist may submit up to 2 images.
For all of the details and information, here is the prospectus (it may take a few minutes to load).

Happy Penciling! This exhibit will be fabulous for sure!

Saturday, January 28, 2012


Our next meeting will be at the Tatnuck Bookseller, Route 9 and Lyman street, Westboruough, MA 01581. There will be a short meeting followed by a presentation by Ed Turner, owner of the Art and Frame Emporium, Westbourough, MA. He will discuss the ABC's of framing for artists. Please RSVP to

Sunday, July 10, 2011

CPSA Chapter Display is ready for Nationals in Dallas!

Thank you to everyone who contributed an original 3 x 3 inch drawing for our chapter display at the National Convention in Dallas next week! I put the pieces together yesterday after a trip to Dick Blick's for supplies, and made the top banner today. The most important requirement (after getting all of these wonderful miniatures) is that it fit inside my suitcase. The banner will have to be re-attached when I get to Dallas. I still have to create a stand for the back so that it will stay upright on the display table. I'm excited that our chapter will have a contribution to the Hospitality Suite. I'm also going to type up a "key" that will read from top to bottom, left to right, with each artist's name and contribution.

(I hope the handwritten banner looks okay to everyone? I thought about doing something on the computer, but felt it might be more personal to do it this way. Anyone want me to change it?)